
来源 :云南医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maldininikanjun
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笔者在临床发现部分原因不明的慢性腹痛患者存在着不同程度的胆囊及胆道运动功能障碍。本文共选择48例门诊及住院的慢性腹痛患者,用放射性同位素99mTc—EHLDA行γ照像检查,其胆囊及胆道运动功能,其结果报道如下:材料与方法48例患者均来自门诊及住院患者... I found in some clinically unexplained chronic abdominal pain in patients with varying degrees of gallbladder and biliary motor dysfunction. In this paper, a total of 48 outpatients and hospitalized patients with chronic abdominal pain were selected. Radioimmunoassay 99mTc-EHLDA was used for gamma-ray examination. The gallbladder and biliary tract motility were reported as follows: Materials and Methods All 48 patients were from outpatients and inpatients. ..
目 ① 前城乡安装空调器的住宅比率飞速增长 ,但是 ,空调设备的安装方式未引起住户和建筑物设计师的足够重视 ,带来不少问题。外形各不相同的分体空调室外机 ,拖着电缆、管道