
来源 :现代经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwb518
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2008年一场金融危机席卷全球,不仅深刻影响到了全球金融市场,也通过各种渠道波及到了实体经济。由于各个国家和地区的金融开放度和实体经济的发展阶段及发展状况都不一样,不同国家或地区受到金融危机的冲击程度都有些差异。有的国家经济几乎陷于瘫痪,有的国家经济崩溃,有的国家面临深刻的变革和动荡。作为一个在中国学习的留学生,我十分关心金融危机对中国经济的影响,处在经济全球化的浪潮中,没有一个国家或地区可以在这一场金融海啸中独善其身,它们或多或少的都受到了影响。 A financial crisis in 2008 swept the world, not only profoundly affected the global financial markets, but also spread through various channels to the real economy. Since the financial openness in various countries and regions is different from that in the real economy and the development status, the impact of the financial crisis in different countries and regions is somewhat different. In some countries, the economy is almost paralyzed, while in some countries, the economy collapses, and some countries are facing profound changes and turmoil. As a foreign student studying in China, I am very concerned about the impact of the financial crisis on the Chinese economy. In the tide of economic globalization, no country or region can take care of itself in this financial tsunami. More and more of them are Affected.
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