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老人因为牙口和胃口不好,饮食上要比年轻人更为讲究。一般来说,老人饮食要坚守三条原则:“早饭吃软,午饭吃硬,晚饭喝稀。”这是因为,早上老人的肠胃功能尚在激活中,消化功能不强,早点最好选择稀软的食物,比如米粥、面汤、菜泥等。既好消化吸收,有利于保护肠胃, Elderly because of bad teeth and appetite, diet is more stress than young people. In general, the elderly should adhere to the three principles of diet: “Breakfast to eat soft, hard to eat lunch, drink thin dinner. ” This is because the elderly in the morning gastrointestinal function is still active, digestive function is not strong, Choose dilute soft food, such as rice porridge, noodles soup, puree and so on. Good digestion and absorption, is conducive to the protection of the stomach,
摘 要:《红楼梦》塑造了众多美丽、聪慧的女性形象,对女性的人生命运和悲剧结局的描绘感人至深、催人泪下。其中所体现出的尊重、关爱、同情、赞美女性的尊女抑男意识及女性意识的觉醒,在封建时代的男权社会中显得弥足珍贵。  关键词:《红楼梦》 林黛玉 女性意识  某种意义而言,《红楼梦》是一部以女性为中心、为女性人物树碑立传的长篇小说,作品中集中刻画了一系列个性鲜明的女性形象。故此,要想深刻把握《红楼梦》的