利用自然现象的异常变化,欺骗蒙蔽群众,以达到其罪恶的政治目的,这是历史上一切反动阶级惯用的伎俩,“四人帮”为了篡党夺权,也袭用了这种伎俩。反动文痞姚文元在1973年盗用上海市气象局写作组的名义,授意他的写作班子炮制的《人类在战胜异常气候中前进》的黑文章,就是采用这种卑劣手法的例证。 六十年代以来,世界上的气候发生了一些异常变化,许多国家天气灾害频繁发生。在国外,一些垄断资本集团的代言人散布了种种蛊惑人心的谬论,谈什么地球上“气候良好的年代已经过去了”,“小冰河时
Using the unusual changes in natural phenomena and deceiving and deceiving the masses in order to achieve their political purposes of sin are the usual tricks of all the reactionary classes in history. The “gang of four” also used such tricks in order to usurp the party and seize power. Yao Wenyuan, a reactionary ruffian, used the black article entitled “Humankind’s advance in overcoming anomalous climate” in the name of the writing team of the Shanghai Meteorological Administration in 1973 to instruct his writing team to concoct and exemplify this despicable tactic. Since the 1960s, some unusual changes have taken place in the world’s climate and weather disasters have frequently occurred in many countries. Abroad, the spokesmen of some monopolistic capital groups disseminate all kinds of demagogic absurdities and talk about “the climate with a good age has passed on Earth” and "