
来源 :江苏农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hepingweixiao
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尿素是目前固体氮肥中含氮量最高的氮肥品种,具有物理性状好、肥效高等优点,是今后氮肥发展的主要品种之一。但它施入土壤后须经尿素酶的转化才能被作物吸收利用,而在转化过程中,常会造成氨的挥发损失,影响肥效,尤以在石灰性土壤上更为明显。通常认为,它不能被土壤胶体吸附,易引起随水流失,因此必须注意合理的施肥方法。 Urea is the most nitrogen-containing nitrogenous fertilizer in solid nitrogen fertilizer with good physical properties and high fertilizer efficiency. It is one of the main varieties of nitrogen fertilizer in the future. However, after it is applied to the soil, it needs to be converted into urease to be absorbed by crops. In the process of transformation, ammonia volatilization loss is often caused, affecting the efficiency of fertilizer, especially in calcareous soil. It is generally believed that it can not be adsorbed by soil colloids and can easily lead to water loss. Therefore, proper fertilization methods must be taken into account.
目的:探究超声诊断在盆腔炎性肿块与卵巢肿瘤中鉴别诊断价值.方法:本院超声科 2016 年 1 月~2018 年 1 月收治盆腔炎肿块患者 52 例经手术病理确诊.依病情类型分组,即盆腔炎
目的:  观察针灸结合中药治疗卒中相关性肺炎的临床疗效,对不同中医证型疗效进行客观分析;探求中医治疗卒中相关性肺炎的作用机理,及其发生、转归与卒中后机体功能恢复的相关性