经过反对动乱、平息暴乱的战斗洗礼之后,我们迎来了教师自己的节日——第五个教师节。在这个庄严的时刻,我们向辛勤工作在教书育人光荣岗位上的全市教职工致以诚挚的节日祝贺! 在过去的一年里,我市普教战线的同志们以振兴教育、振兴中华为己任,勤恳工作,精心耕耘,奉献着自己的心血和青春,赢得了广大学生的信赖和社会的尊敬。特别是在反对动乱、平息反革命暴乱的斗争中,广大教职工旗帜鲜明地反对动乱,坚守岗位,努力工作,维护了正常的教学秩序,表现了高度的政治
After the baptism of fighting against turmoil and quelling riots, we ushered in the teachers’ own holiday, the Fifth Teacher’s Day. On this solemn occasion, we would like to extend our sincere congratulations to the staff of the city’s staff who have worked hard in teaching and educating the people. In the past year, the comrades of the popular education front line in our city have revitalized education and revitalized China. His duty, diligent work, meticulous work, dedication to his own hard work and youth, won the trust of the majority of students and the respect of society. In particular, in the struggle against turmoil and quelling the counter-revolutionary riots, the majority of teachers and staff members clearly and unequivocally opposed the turmoil, clung to their posts, worked hard, maintained the normal teaching order, and displayed a high degree of politics.