目的建立合理用药模式,以提高我院处方的整体质量。方法根据《处方管理办法》中的处方点评工作表的要求,随机抽取建立前后的处方进行评价分析。结果建立合理用药模式后处方合格率由71.23%提高到83.47%。结论合理用药模式的建立有利于提高处方的整体质量。“,” Objective To establish rational administration mode, in order to improve the overall quality of prescription in our hospital. Methods According to the requirements in prescription appraisal table requirements of ‘prescription management method’, randomly sampled before and after the establishment of prescription to evaluate and analyse. Results After establishing the rational administration mode ,the percentage of the rational prescriptions increased from 71.23% to 83.47%. Conclusion Rational administration mode is helpful to improve the overall quality of prescription.