进一步提高对外宣传报道的有效性,是新闻改革的重要内容。新华社“对外宣传有效性调研”课题组,采取系统调研和专题研究相结合的方法,对此提出了相关的分析和对策建议。这份调研报告的重点是:新闻媒体对外宣传如何进一步理顺机制,改进方法,扩大覆盖面,增强影响力,提高实效性,树立和维护中国的良好国际形象,为改革开放和现代化建设创造良好的国际舆论环境。 我们撷取了主报告的要点,期望对外宣报道改革有所启示。
To further improve the effectiveness of foreign media coverage is an important part of news reform. Xinhua News Agency “research on the effectiveness of foreign propaganda,” the task group to take the combination of systematic research and special research methods, put forward the relevant analysis and countermeasures. The key point of this research report is: How to publicize the media in the news media to further clarify the mechanism, improve methods, expand coverage, enhance influence and effectiveness, establish and maintain a good international image of China, create a good international image for reform, opening up and modernization International public opinion environment. We captured the main points of the main report and hoped to enlighten the reform of the propaganda.