把办公桌放在医院的好参谋 在上海检察系统,尤其是区县检察院贪检科,郑惠珠可说是小有名气。这不仅因为她曾先后担任过市院贪检处联络员、区县科科长、办案科科长,更由于她牢牢记住了老处长的一句话,那就是:市院的办公桌要搬到基层去,做区县院的好参谋,领导的好助手。 1954年出生的郑惠珠,曾在上海崇明长征农场战天斗地9年,1980年调干进入市检察院,由反贪处书记员、助检员,一直到检察员,可以算得上一名老贪检了。 只不过,她与那些在第一线搞
Good desk staff in the hospital on the prosecutor’s office in Shanghai, especially the District Prosecutor’s Office of Corruption, Zheng Huizhu can be said to be a little famous. This is not only because she has served as the liaison officer of the Corruption Office of the Municipal Court, chief of the district / county department, chief of the case handling department, but also because she firmly remembered the old director’s remark: To move to the grassroots level, so good county staff, leadership a good assistant. Zheng Huizhu, born in 1954, spent nine years fighting in the Long March farm in Chongming, Shanghai. He was admitted to the City Procuratorate in 1980 and was prosecuted by the officers of the Anti-Corruption Service, the inspector, and the prosecutors. But, she and those in the forefront