采用0.035 g/kg、0.07 g/kg和0.21 g/kg三种不同剂量的M IX-G200复合益生菌粉对昆明种小鼠进行灌胃实验,分别以蒸馏水和地芬诺酯为空白对照和模型对照,研究其生理功能。该样品具有润肠通便作用,高剂量组效果最为显著(P<0.05)。
Kunming mice were gavaged with MIX-G200 probiotic powder of 0.035 g / kg, 0.07 g / kg and 0.21 g / kg in different dosages respectively, distilled water and diphenoxylate as control and Model control, study its physiological function. The sample has laxative effect, high-dose group was the most significant (P <0.05).