一 去年7月末戴春华作为新领队上任的第一天,他就围着上海申花队的驻地江湾体育场整整转了两个小时,为的是给主教练安杰依买到一支他想要的多色圆珠笔。当老戴把那支经过几番周折终于买到的笔交到安杰依手中时,老头子格外满意地说了声:“很好!” 那会儿,从安老头的口里的确很少吐出“好”这个字来。他的处境,也实在谈不上有什么可以称作“好”的地方。7月20日他上任后执教的第一场球,申花队就以1比9的空前悬殊比分惨败于北京国安队脚下,其后又接连输给了大连万达和延边敖东。骤然间便挨了这么三顿“杀威棒”,换了别人也许就已经挺不住劲了,而安杰依却依然异常坚定地表示:“虽然我面临的处境很艰难,但我带好申花队的信心一丝一毫也没有动摇!”
One end of July last year, Dai Chunhua as the new team leader took office the first day, he surrounded the Shanghai Shenhua team resident Jiangwan Stadium a full turn for two hours, in order to coach Andrews buy one he wants Multicolor ballpoint pen. When Lao Dai handed the pen, which he finally bought after several twists and turns, to An Jieyi, the old man said very pleasedly: “Very good!” At that moment, seldom spit out from the mouth of the old man The word “good” comes. His situation, it is really not to mention what can be called “good” place. July 20 after he took office the first ball, Shenhua team to 1 to 9 on the unprecedented disparity score disastrous at the foot of Beijing Guoan, and then lost to Dalian Wanda and Yanbian Aodong. Suddenly, he was hit by such three meals, “Kill Granville Stick,” and changed someone else may have been quite hard, but Angelina is still unusually firm, said: "Although I am facing a very difficult situation, but I take good Shenhua Team confidence no slightest shake!