为合理评价落 -桦混交林质量 ,以孟滦林管局落叶松 -桦树混交幼龄林为材料 ,在研究营造混交林的基础上 ,重点对 14~ 2 5a生落叶松 -桦树混交林林木生长状况及优良林分形成的基本规律进行了探讨。研究结果表明 ,林分质量的好坏 (尤其是幼龄林阶段 )不能全以单位蓄积量大小作为林分质量的评价指标 ,应根据不同林分的类型、混交程度、各优势木所占的比重 ,准确地划分出混交林模式、优良、成功、失败 4种林分类型进行评价。其总体趋势为 :优势木在林分内所占的比重大 ,趋于形成模式林分和优良林分
In order to rationally evaluate the quality of mixed Betula platyphylla forest, taking the larch-birch mixed young-age forest in Mengluan Forest Management Bureau as material, based on the study of creating mixed forest, The growth of forest trees and the basic rules of the formation of good stands were discussed. The results showed that the quality of the stand (especially young forest stage) can not be the size of the unit volume as the evaluation index of the stand quality, should be based on the different types of forest, mixed degree, the dominant wood Proportion, accurate classification of mixed forest model, excellent, successful, unsuccessful four kinds of forest types to evaluate. The overall trend is as follows: The dominant wood occupies a large proportion in the forest stand and tends to form the pattern stand and the excellent stand