阻碍学生解题思路的因素是多方面的,但对于大多数学生来说,“抗阻”最大、“频率”最高的还是应用题本身。本文拟从这一视角进行一点研究。 1.事理生疏 小学数学课本中的应用题大多反映日常生产和生活方面的事情,其中有些却是学生从未看到、听到或经历过的,虽然这些题目的数量关系比较简单,但由于学生不明白题目中到底讲了怎样的一件事而无法思维。如拦河坝
There are many factors hindering students' thinking in solving problems, but for most students, “resistance” is the largest and “frequency” is the highest one. This article is going to do some research from this perspective. 1. Stupid elementary mathematics textbooks in the application questions mostly reflect the daily production and life, some of which students never see, heard or experienced, although the relationship between the number of these questions is relatively simple, but due to the students Do not understand what exactly one of the topics in the title can not think. Such as barrage