磁致伸缩材料广泛应用于各种各样的传感器和伺服机构器件 ,Fe Ga合金以其作为磁致伸缩材料的潜在应用前景已经引起研究人员的注意。Fe Ga合金的磁致伸缩效应很强 ,归因于晶体中存在着Ga原子的不对称形状团簇 ,其导致的四方格子结构在Fe Ga合金的磁致伸缩特性中起了关键的作用。
Magnetostrictive materials are widely used in a variety of sensor and servo mechanism devices. Fe Ga alloys have drawn the attention of researchers for their potential applications as magnetostrictive materials. The magnetostrictive effect of the Fe-Ga alloy is very strong, which is attributed to the existence of asymmetric shaped clusters of Ga atoms in the crystal, which results in a tetragonal lattice structure that plays a key role in the magnetostrictive properties of the Fe-Ga alloy.