为抄近道,我冲进了争论室的大门,好不容易跑到通往住院部的入口,保安拦住了去路,说什么也不旅行!“病人已垂危,一个人在病房,随时都会……”喉头哽住了,泪水夺眶而出,冻红了双手紧捧着一只装满热汤的餐罐儿,恳望着守门人,然而这里只有铁面一张:“这儿不许家属,过年了,更不行!” 重新上街,登记、等电梯,好象在放升
For the short cut, I rushed into the debate room door, finally ran to the entrance to the inpatient department, the security stopped the path, saying nothing trip! “The patient is dying, a person in the ward, at any time ... ...” Throat stopped, tears sobbed, frozen red hands tightly holding a soup pot full of hot soup, Ken earnestly gatekeeper, but here is only a noodles: “Here not allowed relatives, New Year, not to mention ”Go back to the streets, register, wait for the lift, as if rising