我省一些地方实行粮肥间套,但没有适当机具,多数需人工翻压绿肥,费工较多。江苏省东台县生产的MQ—51型埋青机,比较适合在间套情况下翻压绿肥。去年我们和新绛县农机局等单位,在新绛县樊村大队试验,土质为砂壤土,土壤含水量17%,压青效果见附表。 MQ—51型埋青机,它是为东风—12手扶拖拉机配套的绿肥翻压农具,由工作部分和
Some places in our province to implement fertilizer sleeve, but without proper equipment, most of the manual pressure green manure, more labor. MQ-51 buried machine produced by Dongtai County in Jiangsu Province is more suitable for turning over green manures in the case of intercropping. Last year we and the Xinjiang County Agricultural Machinery Bureau and other units in the trial of Fancun, Xinjiang County, the soil is sandy loam soil moisture content of 17%, the effect of pressing green see the attached table. MQ-51-type buried machine, it is for the Dongfeng -12 walking tractor supporting green manure turning tools, from the working part and