Facial nerve is the most easily paralyzed peripheral nerve and the most easy to cure nerve, about 70% can be more complex. Mostly recovered after 2 to 3 weeks of paralysis, recovered within January and recovered from 2 to 3 months later, and some cases left permanent paralysis after 3 to 4 months without recovery. Surgical treatment of such cases is feasible. Causes and Mechanisms of Facial Paralysis Among the 1,784 cases of facial paralysis experienced by the authors, approximately 60% of Bell’s paralysis was localized and more than 90% of paralysis was located within the temporal bone (Table 1). Facial nerve tube length of about 3.5cm, is the longest nerve in the body walking in the bones of the nerves, the inner tube covered with nerve epineurium and periosteum thick fibrous capsule and nerve sheath, which mixed with arteriovenous plexus. When inflammation, circulatory disorders cause nerve swelling or fracture, the nerve tends to be sustained pressure and paralysis. Therefore, we must understand in the treatment