
来源 :机械设计与制造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harite
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根据月球车腿式移动机构的优点,针对混合驱动五杆月球车用拉格朗日法推出混合驱动五杆月球车的动力模型,得出各杆线速度和驱动力的表达式。通过设置具体参数对混合驱动五杆月球车模型进行分析,得出了混合驱动月球车的五杆机构运动仿真图、主动关节等效惯量,耦合惯量和驱动力矩的变化规律。结果表明,对于给定的运动规律,机构的位形对系统的主动关节等效惯量、耦合惯量和驱动力矩的影响较大。 According to the advantages of the lunar mobile mechanism, the dynamic model of the hybrid five-bar lunar rover was developed by using the Lagrange method of the hybrid five-bar lunar rover. The expressions of the linear speed and the driving force were obtained. By setting specific parameters, the hybrid five-bar lunar rover model was analyzed, and the five-bar mechanism kinematics simulation diagram, active joint equivalent inertia, coupling inertia and driving torque of hybrid rover were obtained. The results show that for a given motion law, the shape of the mechanism has a great influence on the equivalent inertia, coupling inertia and driving torque of the active joint of the system.
目的研究β-胡萝卜素拮抗三氧化二镍的细胞毒作用及机理.方法采用体外细胞培养法测定在β-胡萝卜素25,50,100 μmol/L))作用下,体外染镍肺泡巨噬细胞(alveolar macrophage,AM