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冶金工业部于11月28日至2月2日在广东省广州市召开了全国400/250小型轧钢机经验交流会议。出席会议的有全国27个省、市、自治区及其所属钢铁厂的代表230余人。这次会议的任务是:第一,总结1958年大跃进以来在小型轧钢机方面执行党的社会主义建设总路线和“用两条腿走路”方针所获得的成就,同时,也总结实行党提出的“破除迷信,解放思想,发扬敢想敢说敢做的共产主义风格”,大闹技术革新的群众运动所获得的丰富经验;第二,讨论如何巩固已取得的成就,把丰富的经验进一步发扬光大,更深入、广泛地开展群众运动,进一步挖掘轧钢机的潜力,采取必要措施使轧钢生产逐步实现机械化,以达到产品的高产、优质、各品种、低成本的目的,满足工农业和交通运输业各方面大跃进对轧钢生产所提出的要求,并讨论如何完成党和国家交给轧钢工作者的任务。 The Ministry of Metallurgical Industry convened a national 400/250 small-scale rolling mill experience exchange meeting in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province from November 28 to February 2. More than 230 representatives from 27 provinces, cities and autonomous regions throughout the country and their steel plants attended the meeting. The tasks of this meeting are as follows: First, to summarize the achievements made in the implementation of the party’s general line of socialist construction and the principle of “walking on two legs” since the Great Leap Forward in 1958; meanwhile, “Gaining the communist style of breaking superstitions, emancipating the mind, promoting the courage to dare to say and dare to dare to do,” and enriching the mass movement experienced in technological innovation; secondly, discussing how to consolidate the achievements made and further enriching the rich experience , Carry out the mass movement further and extensively, further excavate the potential of rolling mills and take the necessary measures to gradually realize the mechanization of rolled steel production so as to achieve the purpose of high yield, high quality, variety and low cost of the products and meet the demands of industry, agriculture and transportation All aspects of the Great Leap Forward requirements for rolling production, and discuss how to complete the tasks assigned to the rolling workers by the party and the state.
据苏联“钢”杂志1958第一期报导,苏联科举院院士M.A.巴甫洛夫于1958年1月10日逝世,享年95岁。他是一位世界闻名的卓越的冶金科学家,是苏联好几代高炉工作者的英明导师。 M.