随着女权运动的开展,大量女性涌入劳动力市场。然而,外出工作并未改变“男主外、女主内”的传统思维定式,现代女性仍要负担大部分甚至全部的家庭劳动。新家庭经济学家用比较优势理论将以性别为基础的家庭分工解释为个体理性选择的结果,由此要求国家(法律)置身事外。女权学者对比较优势理论持质疑态度,认为此种分工是社会建构的结果,对女性极为不利,国家(法律)应承认家务劳动价值。中国家庭现状并不符合比较优势理论的适用前提,宜采纳女权主义法学家的观点,完善离婚补偿制度,承认女性家务劳动的价值。","As the development of feminist movement, a large number of women flood into workplace. However, this trend does not change the well-know breadwinner-homemaker patte; working wives still are responsible for most even all of the household chores. New Home Economists explain this sexual division of labor into individual rational choice using Comparative Advantage Theory claims the nation ( law ) stay away. Feminist scholars challenge Comparative Advantage Theory; believe sexual division of labor is the result of social construction; regard this kind of division as unfavorable to women and claim for admitting the value of housework. Comparative Advantage Theory is not available to China according to the status quo of family structure in China. It is better for China”s legislation to adopt the feminist scholars” perspective and improve the divorce compensation system.