
来源 :清远职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlh0089
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1975年从捷克移居法国的著名作家米兰.昆德拉,他把自己的哲思通过小说体裁加以体现,但形式上却又不拘一格。他通过几个关键词拷问存在,探求实质,历史与现代交错在不同的人物身上,显示出惊人的重复性,而以阿涅丝为代表的人物形象也就此呈现出鲜明的立体感。 Milan Kundera, a famous writer who immigrated to France from the Czech Republic in 1975, embodied his philosophical thinking through the genre of novels but in a formal but eclectic manner. Through the interrogation of several key words, he explores the essence, the history and the modernity are interlaced with different characters, showing an astonishing repetitiveness. However, the character represented by Agnes is also obviously three-dimensional.