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美国人很爱宠物,而且还不是一时的激情。很多宠物主把这些毛绒绒的朋友当作家庭的一员,有时候还为它们准备有趣的录像带和玩具,让它们过得有滋有味。如果主人时髦的话,他们还会给自己的宠物穿上时髦的衣服。在一些特殊场合,他们甚至为狗喷上专用香水,这样它们闻起来就香喷喷的 Americans love pets and they are not passionate. Many pet owners treat these fluffy friends as members of the family, and sometimes they also prepare interesting videotapes and toys for them to enjoy. If the owner is fashionable, they will also wear stylish clothes for their pets. On special occasions, they even spray special perfumes on dogs so that they smell delicious.