已是耄耋之年的季羡林教授乃旷世鸿儒,亲身经历了20世纪中华民族及其学术文化的兴衰荣辱。季老在其长达六七十年极富创造力的学术生涯中,为世界贡献了一笔宝贵的精神财富,在学术界、教育界、文化界赢得了崇高的声誉。记得在2000年季老的90寿诞庆祝活动上,97岁高龄的学术泰斗钟敬文教授颂其曰“真诚质朴”,“为文如此,为人也如此;学问一流,道德也一流”。 真情待人——爱母敬师重情意 人们都说季老多情。的确,只要与季老有所接触,都会发现季老对父母、对师长、对朋友总是满怀深情。季老对母亲的深情众所周知。与人闲谈,他往
Professor Ji Xianlin, who was already in his childhood, was a grandchildren of the world who personally experienced the rise and fall of the Chinese nation and its academic culture in the 20th century. Ji quarter in its six decades of creative career as a creative career, contributed a valuable spiritual wealth to the world, in academia, education, culture has won a high reputation. I remember during the celebrations of the 90-year-old birthday celebrations in 2000, Professor Zhong Jingwen, a 97-year-old academic leader, praised him as saying “sincere and simple”. The truth to be treated - love mother, teacher, relentless love people say that quarter old passionate. Indeed, as long as there is contact with the quarter, will find the quarter to parents, teachers, friends always full of affection. Quarter old affection for the mother is well known. Chat with people, he goes