All creatures in the world act on a daily basis for a certain period of time. For this regular pattern of time, people often call it “the biological clock”. Like other creatures, humans depend on their own physical condition for a certain period of time. For a long time, the formation of a fixed lifestyle, the body of the “biological clock” go on time. If the children get up at 6:00 every morning, breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 12:00, dinner at 20:00, sleep at 20:00 everyday, so that even if there is no alarm clock in the house, it will wake up naturally at 6:00 in the morning and arrive at breakfast, lunch and dinner Feel hungry at about 8 pm will feel tired and want to sleep, this is the “biological clock” at work. In real life, all kinds of activities we carry out are not isolated, but under certain conditions, acting on the brain in sequence to form a temporary neural connection, psychologically called “dynamic stereotype ”. A dynamic profile contains many interlocking conditional reflections. For example, every 4 hours at a time when a baby feeds on a baby and feeds the baby every day for a specified period of time. This is done daily, and conditioned reflexes are established so that babies develop the habit of regular feeding and regular stools to form dynamic stereotypes . If not according to the law of the “biological clock ”, undermine the dynamic stereotypes, not only good habits difficult to develop, the baby often crying, temper, bad mood.