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世界上所有的生物每天都是按着一定的时间来进行活动的。对于这种时间的规律,人们常称为“生物钟”。人类和其他生物一样,根据自己的生理状况,按照一定的时间来进行活动。长期以来,形成了固定的生活习性,使体内存在的“生物钟”按时走。倘若孩子每天早上6时起床,7时早餐,12时午餐,18时晚餐,20时睡觉,每天如此进行,久而久之,即使家中无闹钟,到了早晨6时也自然觉醒,到了早、午、晚进餐时就感到饥饿,晚上8时左右就会感到疲劳而想睡觉,这就是“生物钟”在起作用。在现实生活中,我们进行的各种活动都不是孤立的,而是在一定条件下,依先后顺序作用于大脑而形成暂时的神经联系,心理学上称为“动力定型”。一种动力定型包含着许多有环节的连锁式的条件反射。如每当间隔4小时喂婴儿吃奶,每天在规定的时间按时给婴儿坐盆大便,每天如此进行,就会建立条件反射,使婴儿养成按时吃奶,定时大便的习惯,形成了动力定型。若不按“生物钟”的规律进行,破坏了动力定型,不但良好习惯难以养成,婴儿常会哭闹,发脾气,情绪不好。 All creatures in the world act on a daily basis for a certain period of time. For this regular pattern of time, people often call it “the biological clock”. Like other creatures, humans depend on their own physical condition for a certain period of time. For a long time, the formation of a fixed lifestyle, the body of the “biological clock” go on time. If the children get up at 6:00 every morning, breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 12:00, dinner at 20:00, sleep at 20:00 everyday, so that even if there is no alarm clock in the house, it will wake up naturally at 6:00 in the morning and arrive at breakfast, lunch and dinner Feel hungry at about 8 pm will feel tired and want to sleep, this is the “biological clock” at work. In real life, all kinds of activities we carry out are not isolated, but under certain conditions, acting on the brain in sequence to form a temporary neural connection, psychologically called “dynamic stereotype ”. A dynamic profile contains many interlocking conditional reflections. For example, every 4 hours at a time when a baby feeds on a baby and feeds the baby every day for a specified period of time. This is done daily, and conditioned reflexes are established so that babies develop the habit of regular feeding and regular stools to form dynamic stereotypes . If not according to the law of the “biological clock ”, undermine the dynamic stereotypes, not only good habits difficult to develop, the baby often crying, temper, bad mood.
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Chaoticsystemindicatesthesensitivedependenceoninitialconditions.Theslightdevia tionofinitialconditionscanbeamplifiedtotheremarka Chaoticsystemindicatesthesedependentoninitialconditions.Theslightdevia tionofinitialconditionscanbeamplifiedtotheremarka
问:  我的宝宝有2个月大了,她每天的精神似乎都特别好,白天很少睡觉,一天大概只睡13个小时,我问了其他的妈妈,她们的孩子都是每天睡差不多20小时的。我宝宝每天只睡那么少的时间,够吗?睡眠不好会不会对她的发育有影响?怎样让我的宝宝多睡会儿呢?  答:  新生儿大部分时间都在睡觉,一天累计的睡眠时间大约在18~22小时。随着宝宝年龄的增长,其睡眠时间也会逐渐缩短。2~5个月的宝宝睡眠时间大致是15~
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