【摘 要】
【机 构】
新疆医学院预防医学系 乌鲁木齐市 830054
Hair is one of the body’s appendages, and can reflect the performance of the human body, this issue has been a lot of research work. Trace elements in the hair content can reflect the body’s nutritional status and metabolic changes in the past a long time. Rather than reflect the sampling of the body condition. Especially because the hair is composed of keratin, rich in disulfide bonds, so some of the metal elements have a special affinity. Hilderbrand et al. Show that human hair, unlike other tissues, is not easily re-absorbed once it is incorporated in the hair
Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb with nourishing effect of the body.Radix Rehmanniae (the root of Rehmannia glutinosa Lib
本文系统地介绍了用于有序反应变量资料分析的连续比模型;从理论上探讨了当有序反应变量资料转化为多个二分类资料结构时应用一般 Logistic 模型估计连续比模型参数的方法。
Capillary flow technology is a proprietary technology for Gas Chromatograph (GC) flow manipulation inside the oven.In this paper, a gas chromatography / mas
Multiphoton-excited fluorescence (MPEF) is a complementary and useful mode of laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection in capillary electrophoresis (CE) w
We developed a new platform for chip-based immunoassay to create the effective reaction sites of immunological reaction between antigen and antibody.The rea
王宝强这个没有任何背景的农家子弟,因为主演了《天下无贼》、《士兵突击》、《集结号》等经典影视剧而大红大紫,并登上了万众瞩目的春晚舞台。成名后的王宝强质朴依旧,而那段变质变味的爱情一度成为他心灵的羁绊,最终,他与这段感情挥泪作别…… 憨憨的笑容最是动人 王宝强的初恋降临得猝不及防。那是2004年春暖花开的3月,王宝强前往西单拜见一个导演,在复兴门换乘一号线地铁时他准备买份《明星周刊》,由
Microcystins are potent hepatotoxins produced by several genera of aquatic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae).Due to the worldwide distribution of these cyano
For the separation of enantiomers we employed permethylated β-cyclodextrin either linked to a polysiloxane (Chirasil-Dex) or to silica particles (Chira-Dex