加瓦艾日克墓地位于新疆且末县托乎拉克勒克乡加瓦艾日克村,南距县城约三公里(图一)。墓地择于车尔臣河西岸的二级台地上,河东是广阔的沙漠。墓地大部分被毁,剩余部分已成一孤沙丘,东西长90、南北宽43、高约4米。北面断崖可见残余的墓坑和暴露的人骨、毛织物等。1994年,在配合塔里木盆地第三区块石油勘探进行考古调查时发现该墓地。由于墓地破坏情况十分严重,1995年10—12月对该墓地进行了抢救性发掘,共清理墓葬12座(编号为95XQM1—12,以下简称 M1—12)。从这次揭露的墓葬情况来看,墓地地表未见任何标志,但墓葬的墓口多设有棚盖,棚盖多由木架、柳席或苇席组成,有的棚盖下还有中心木柱支撑。墓葬形制均为竖穴土
Gava Ai Rick cemetery is located in Xinjiang and the end of the county Torulaikeluke Township Gava Ai Rick village, about three kilometers south of the county (Figure 1). The cemetery is on the second stage of the Chellachen River west bank, and Hedong is a vast desert. Most of the cemetery was destroyed, the remaining part has become a solitary dune, east-west length of 90, north-south width of 43, about 4 meters high. Northern cliffs visible residual pits and exposed human bone, wool fabric and so on. In 1994, the graveyard was discovered during the archeological investigation of oil exploration in the third block of the Tarim Basin. Due to the grave destruction of the cemetery, the cemetery was salvaged in October-December 1995 and a total of 12 tombs were cleared (number 95XQM1-12, hereinafter referred to as M1-12). From the disclosure of the grave situation, the cemetery did not see any signs of the ground, but the grave of the tomb with more than canopy, covered mostly by the wooden frame, willow seats or reed seats, and some canopy under the center Wooden column support. Tomb shapes are vertical soil