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2005年诺贝尔文学奖授予英国著名荒诞剧作家哈罗德·品特(Harold Pinter),真是微波不惊,颁奖给一个至今还在英国政治社会中发挥了反对派批判力量的老资格作家,在政治和艺术两个层面都照顾了的。今年的传媒对此似乎保持了格外的平静,也许作为一个过气的先锋剧作家的创作历程,在今天的商业社会里没有什么可以炒作的;也许是他的坚决地反对美国发动伊拉克战争和批判布莱尔首相的政治态度令人作难。瑞典皇家科学院在颁奖公告中宣布,授予哈罗德·品特诺贝尔奖的理由是因为“他的戏剧发现了在日常废话掩盖下的惊心动魄之处并强行打开了压抑者关闭的房间。”但随之品特立即宣布,他一生创作二十九个剧本,从此不再写剧本了,因为他已经找到了新的生活方式来释放自己的能量,那就是政治活动。换句话说, 品特的一生的剧本创作、诗歌创作和散文创作也是一种政治的介入,只是他现在的反叛意识和先锋精神更加强烈和直接了。品特的创作深受卡夫卡和贝克特的影响。他的戏剧具有他独特的“品特式的”风格,即强调威胁的普遍性以及现代社会中沟通的困难,他的作品中最常见的场景就是设计一个房间,里面的人们享有暂时的平静和安全,但很快外面的威胁因素就会破门而入,侵犯并占有这个空间。我们特意选择了品特十九岁时创作的一个散文作品(《库鲁斯》),他的“威胁荒诞剧”的特点都已经包孕在内。晚年的品特热衷投身于直接的政治运动,他的戏剧也含有强烈的反对屠杀等因素,《入土为安》是非常有代表性的一个作品,我们这里刊登了剧本的后半部分(也是高潮部分)。读者可以了解最精彩的片断。《写作、政治以及入土为安》是一篇访谈,较全面地介绍了品特的创作和政治追求;体育随笔《哈顿往事》写板球比赛,可以展示品特的另外一面。这篇散文里塞满了体育专业术语,非常难译,幸亏是仰仗了严锋的精彩译笔。其他诸篇,得到了美国的汤秋妍、北京的里波、上海的戴从容又赶时间又有质量的帮助。在此特表感谢。 In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Harold Pinter, a famous British absurd playwright. He gave a speech to a veteran author who still played a critical opposition force in the political and political circles of the United Kingdom so far. Politics and art are both taken care of. This year’s media seems to have maintained a particularly calm tone. Perhaps as an over-the-top pioneer dramatist, there is nothing to hype in today’s business community; perhaps his firm opposition to the U.S. war on Iraq and its criticism Prime Minister Blair’s political attitude is daunting. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced in the award announcement that the reason for awarding the Harold Pinnobel Prize was because “his drama uncovered the heart-shaking place covered by everyday nonsense and forced the room where the repressor was closed.” However, Pinter immediately announced that he had created twenty-nine scripts in his life and would never write a script again because he had found a new way of life to release his energy. That was political activity. In other words, Pintere’s scriptwriting, poetry writing and prose writing throughout his life are also political interventions, but his current sense of rebellion and pioneering spirit are even stronger and more direct. Pinter’s creation is deeply influenced by Kafka and Beckett. His drama, with his unique “Pinot style,” emphasizes the universality of threats and the difficulties of communication in modern society, and the most common scene in his work is to design a room where people enjoy temporary calm and Safe, but soon outside threats can break in and invade and occupy this space. We deliberately chose an essay created by Pinter at the age of 19 (“Kurus”), whose features of “threatening absurd drama” are already covered. In his later years, Pinter devoted himself to the direct political movement. His drama also contained strong opposition to the massacre and other factors. As one of the most representative works in the world, we published the second half of the script section). Readers can understand the most exciting pieces. “Writing, Politics and Being Safe” is an interview that introduces Pinter’s creative and political pursuits in a comprehensive way. The sports cricket game “Hatton’s Past” can showcase the other side of Pinter. This essay stuffed with professional sports terms, very difficult to translate, thanks to Yan Feng’s wonderful translation of the pen. Other articles, got the United States Tang Qiuyan, Beijing’s Ribo, Shanghai wearing calm and time and have the quality of help. Thanks in this special table.
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有人想偷走我的名字今天早晨我刮胡子,绷起我的嘴唇和腭,以顺应那表面拉长得显著的刀锋,你想我看见了什么?三颗金牙!我,我从未去看过牙医。哦,我的金牙!哦,我的金牙! 为什么?
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