轻轻松松DIY,越往后DIY就越轻松。做一件事情也是这个道理:第一步迈出之后,以后的路就好走了。小渔在读高中的时候,有一次学校合唱团选指挥,我就是不敢自告奋勇,后来一个哥们也不管我同不同意,把我推出了人群……就这样,我拿起了指挥棒,表现也还不错的哟! 自从我们这一DIY系列讲座推出之后,小渔收到了众多读者的来信。其中有读者说:“小渔哥哥,你教我们安装的是AMD系列的一款机器,如果我要装结构有些不同的PⅢ、P4的机器,那我们该怎么办呢?”小渔这里高兴地告诉大家,我会在7月推出《从毒龙到P4傻博士实战》光盘,其中就有装P11I和P4机器的过程,而且更爽的是,那是用像机将装机过程拍下来之后制成的VCD哟!绝对精彩,绝对不能错过!“三张光盘才16元哟!!! 今天,我们就来安装Widows 98操作系统,如果你按照前面的三讲将计算机组装起来,并进行了相应的设置和分区格式化,那这一讲对你来来说就是小菜一碟了。不过,安装操作系统也是大家以后会经常做的事情。“事情,所以还是好好学学它,要馓得住“冷板凳”,才能成“大气候”—步步高栏目主持 小渔
DIY easily, more easy DIY later. To do one thing is the truth: After the first step, the way you go is just off. When I was in high school, I had a school choir election. I was afraid to volunteered. Later, a buddy did not disagree with me and pushed me out of the crowd... So, I picked up the baton and performed Not bad yo! Since our introduction of this DIY series of lectures, Xiao Yu has received many readers’ letters. One of the readers said: “Little brother fishing, you teach us to install a series of AMD machines, if I want to install a somewhat different structure P Ⅲ, P4 machines, then how do we do?” Small fishing pleasure here I will tell you that in July I will launch the CD “From Duron to Dr. P4 Silly,” which includes the installation of P11I and P4 machines. What is even more cool is that it uses a video camera to take the installation process and shoot it down VCD! Yo! Absolutely wonderful, absolutely can not miss! “The three discs was 16 yuan yo !!! Today, we will install Widows 98 operating system, if you follow the previous three stresses the computer assembly, and carried out the corresponding Settings and partition formatting, then this talk is a piece of cake for you to come. However, the installation of the operating system is what we will often do. ”Things, so still learn it, to be able to live“ Cold bench ”, can become a“ big climate ”- backgammon columns hosting small fishing