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业主在住宅买卖合同签订并支付房款后,最为关心的事就是何时可以领钥匙收房,业主在收房时必然会涉及到一系列的费用如物业管理费、维修基金等费用的支付问题。所谓“三通费”即“一户一表水表开户费”、“煤气安装开户费”、“供电安装开户费”三项费用,用通俗易懂的话来说,即水、电、煤的每户相关开通费用。目前在我市几乎每一处楼盘的交易均会在交房时涉及到三通费用的收取问题。现在随着购房者维权意识的增强,有关“三通费”的集体维权及讼诉呈现上升趋势,导致房开商与业主之间的矛盾不断产生。在现实中,经常会发生业主与房开商各执己见互不相让的情况,而住宅的性质不同导致房屋的三通费用收取情况各异,必须要具体问题具体分析才能得出正确的结论。本文针对贵阳的房地产市场中的三通费用问题,通过对案例以及相关法规的分析,提出自身的建议。对于化解买卖双方矛盾,启发贵阳房地产法律法规的相应立法具有一定的现实意义。 Owners in the sale of housing contracts signed and paid, the most concern thing is when you can receive the key to the house, the owner will inevitably involve a series of costs, such as property management fees, maintenance fund payment issues . The so-called “three links fee ” that is “a meter a meter account opening fee ”, “gas installation account opening fee ”, “power installation installation fee ” three fees, That water, electricity, coal related to the opening of each household costs. At present, almost every real estate transactions in the city will be involved in the delivery of the three-way fee charged. Now with the enhancement of the awareness of homebuyers’ rights protection, the collective rights protection and litigation on the “three-way toll” are on the rise, resulting in the continual emergence of contradictions between the developers and the owners. In reality, it often happens that the owners and the real estate developers all behave themselves, and the different nature of the residential houses lead to different charges for the three-way houses. Specific analysis of the specific problems must be conducted before a correct conclusion can be drawn. In this paper, Guiyang real estate market in the three links costs, through the analysis of cases and related laws and regulations, put forward their own recommendations. It is of practical significance to resolve the contradiction between buyers and sellers and to inspire the legislation of Guiyang real estate laws and regulations.
在我们心中,父母好像总是“强势”的一方,小时候我们反抗、争论、甩门而走,却好像都没什么用。直到我们慢慢长成可以和父母平起平坐的年纪,可成长带来了新的痛苦:你有没有发现,你的父母已经开始看你脸色了?  每次假期回家返程时,父母总会“求着”我带东西回去,有蒸好的包子、米面干粮、水果牛奶,还有排骨、牛肉。而我总会下意识地拒绝:太重了、都能买到、你烦不烦啊……  其实我真没多想,单纯是觉得带着不方便。可后
英国前外交大臣帕麦斯顿曾说:“宴请是外交的灵魂。”欧洲外交界有一句俗语:“世间万事定于餐桌,而支配人类的就是宴会。”这凸显驻外使领馆“舌尖外交”的重要性。  日本外务省曾表示,由于驻外使领馆等的经费遭到削减,大使馆招待会菜肴的质和量均出现下降。曾有过宾客因“没有期待的鲜虾天妇罗”而扫兴的情况。  职业外交官一生要经历无数次“舌尖外交”,招待会或宴会经精心安排,富有创意,效果好,使人终生难忘的例子不