A fine preparation of soil, plant foot fertilizer, prevention and control of underground pests selection of flat terrain, deep soil, loose soil, medium fertility of loess or stretch of sand is ideal. Crops before the crop to cereals and leguminous crops is appropriate, avoid cropping, nor with Solanaceae (tomato, pepper, eggplant, tobacco) rotation. In the first year of land preparation, harvesting should be done 20 to 25 cm deep before removing the stubble and other sundries in the autumn and before the first year of harvest. Then the rake will be harvested and the soil will be tilled for 15 cm before the next planting. Million ~ 3 million kg / hm2, urea 2700kg / hm2, diammonium 2250kg / hm2, potassium sulfate 270kg / hm2, while adding 40% of chlorpyrifos or 10%