本文在揭示“三个代表”思想在民族工作中所具有的重大意义的基础上 ,回顾了党的民族工作史。指出在 新的历史条件下 ,只有以“三个代表”重要思想为指导 ,才能继续沿着老一辈无产阶级革命家开创的解决中国民族问题的道路前进 ,并以此为要点阐发了新时期开展民族工作的三个着力点。
Based on the revelation of the great significance of the “three represents” thought in ethnic work, this article reviews the history of the party’s national work. Pointing out that under the new historical conditions, guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we can continue to follow the path set by the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation to solve the problem of China’s ethnic issues and, as a starting point, elucidate the new period The three focuses of nationality work.