西安事变前夕 ,日本海军加紧了对中国沿海沿江地区的侵犯 ,中国海军主要精力是应付日本的侵略挑衅 ;西安事变发生后 ,中国海军虽然关注形势的发展和结局 ,但基本持观望等待态度 ,日本海军则认为前途不容乐观 ,从而加强战备 ;西安事变和平解决后 ,日本海军加紧了对华侵略步骤 ,中国海军为适应即将到来的抗日作战 ,也从各个方面积极进行抗战准备。
On the eve of the Xi’an Incident, the Japanese Navy intensified its invasion of China’s coastal areas along the Yangtze River. The Chinese navy’s main energy is to deal with Japan’s aggression and provocation. After the Xi’an Incident, although the Chinese navy focused on the development and the outcome of the situation, it basically waited on the sidelines. Japan After the Xi’an Incident was resolved peacefully, the Japanese Navy stepped up its aggressive steps toward China. The Chinese Navy, in order to adapt itself to the upcoming war of resistance against Japan, has also made preparations for the war of resistance against Japan in all aspects.