1.假鹰爪Desmos chinensis又名酒饼叶,为番荔枝科假鹰爪属直立或攀援灌木。叶长圆形至椭圆形,基部圆形至稍偏斜,全缘。花单生,与叶对生或互生,黄白色,有芳香。果有柄,念珠状。果期6月至第二年春季。产中国南部及越南、马来西亚、印度。果奇特,为优良观果植物。可盆栽,也可植于庭园的路边、池畔观赏;根、叶供药用;花可提取芳香油。
1. Falcon claw Desmos chinensis, also known as wine cake leaves, for the Annona falcon claw is an upright or climbing shrubs. Leaves oblong to elliptic, base rounded to slightly oblique, entire. Flowers solitary, opposite leaves or alternate, yellowish white, fragrant. Fruit a handle, prayer beads. Fruit from June to next spring. Production in southern China and Vietnam, Malaysia, India. Fruit strange, fruit plants for the fine view. Potted plants can also be planted in the garden side of the road, poolside viewing; roots, leaves for medicinal purposes; flowers can be extracted aromatic oil.