佳佳两岁了.我们给她设计了一次行程:去西藏.青藏铁路线开通,坐上火车去拉萨,对我们大人来说也是一次全新的体验.从北京到拉萨的火车,行程48小时.对于一个两岁的孩子,将是一次耐力与体力的挑战;对于我们,如何带着孩子在火车上度过漫长的48小时也是一次挑战.而到西藏后,孩子会不会闹,会不会不适应,以及西藏的高海拔、低含氧的环境会不会对孩子的健康有影响,都将是我们面临的问题.就这样,我们带着佳佳,带着好奇与不安,忐忑上路了.“,”Jiajia was two years old. We designed a tour for her: to go to Tibet. To travel to Lhasa on train through the Qinghai-Tibetan railroad was a new experience both to Jiajia and us adults. For a two-year old kid, 48 hours' travel from Beijing to Lhasa by train was a challenge both of stamina and of physical strength. For us, how to take care of a kid in 48 hours' long travel in train was also a challenge. Furthermore, we could face more problems after we reached Tibet: Would the baby cry Could she adapt herself to the plateau Would the high altitude and low oxygen environment have effects on her health We could not answer, but with our curiosity and anxiety, we set out with Jiajia.