目的:考察25℃下,注射用头孢尼西钠与更昔洛韦葡萄糖注射液配伍的稳定性。方法:采用HPLC法测定头孢尼西钠与更昔洛韦配伍后0~8 h内的含量变化,并观察配伍液的外观及pH。结果:8 h内混合液外观、pH及含量均无明显变化。结论:在25℃条件下,注射用头孢尼西钠在更昔洛韦葡萄糖注射液中配伍8 h内基本稳定。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the stability of compatibility between cefonicid sodium injection and ganciclovir glucose injection at 25 ℃. Methods: The contents of cefonicid plus ganciclovir in 0-8 h were determined by HPLC, and the appearance and pH of the compatibility solution were observed. Results: The appearance, pH and content of the mixture did not change significantly within 8 h. Conclusion: At 25 ℃, cefotaxime sodium for injection has been basically stable within 8 h of ganciclovir glucose injection.