Biography is the writer’s reconstruction of life events and their relations according to their own understanding of the Lord. The close relationship between the writer and the deportment will shape the image of the deportment. Wang Shizhen presents the three dimensions of the image of the master. First, family history is restricted by the statutory restrictions on the style of the memorial. Although the creators have a strong emotional presence, they still tend to be typed in writing. Biographies focus on the construction of the image of the preacher; second, the history of private historians and writers pursuing the desires of the preachers and tailoring the historical materials according to self-understanding, Third, the official history biography, the writer according to the official needs of tailoring historical materials, weaving historical events, although the seemingly objective, but the mainstream ideology has infiltrated in the The story, including the choice of what events, how the structure of the story, such biographies concerned about the historical facts of the Lord, the identification of potential invisible deep structure to pay attention to the image of the masters of the construction of the politicians.