Aerobics is a bodybuilding, aerobics, dance, music, fitness, entertainment in one of the main aerobic exercise, and a high degree of artistic and popular fitness bodybuilding and sporting projects, in-depth college students love and Sought after, especially female students, in line with the physiological characteristics of contemporary college students and the healthy development of psychological characteristics. However, in the college aerobics teaching, due to the influence of our country’s education system, the aerobics movement in Chinese universities is still the main reason that hinder the development of aerobics in colleges and universities in our country. Therefore, we should construct aerobics teaching system , Innovate teaching ideas, give full play to the dominant position of students, and comprehensively promote the new reform of the concept of quality education. Therefore, according to the modern college students’ physical fitness and the characteristics of aerobics development, this essay expatiates on the fitness value of aerobics course in physical education departments of colleges and universities, and discusses the innovative education concept and teaching of aerobics in universities and colleges. The new model, with peer PE educators to provide theoretical reference.