From Silence to Rejuvenation The study of culture in the Soviet Union dates back to the 18th century Old Russia and later to the 19th century Russian revolutionary democrats. After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union's cultural studies have also been somewhat developed. However, during the period of Stalin's administration, they gradually tended to be quiet. Only by the early 1960s did they begin to move from silence to rejuvenation. The Soviet theorists have changed their past view that the concept of “culture” is an idealistic one and started to study cultural issues from a Marxist standpoint. Throughout its evolution, it can be roughly divided into three stages: In the first stage, in 1960, Soviet scholars began to discuss people, humanism, culture and values under the influence of the reform trend driven by the 10th International Philosophy Congress Problems, cultural studies begin to recover. The first book to be published was “On life and cultural value” by philosopher Tuganinov. Although this book only made a broad sense on cultural issues