Gut hemangiomas can be a cause of acute or chronic blood loss and anemia. Can be due to lumps, nested, annular stenosis or intestinal bleeding caused by intestinal obstruction, or even cause intestinal perforation, thrombocytopenia and consumptive coagulopathy. However, some hemangiomas are asymptomatic and even found after surgery or autopsy. The authors summarize seven cases of intestinal hemangiomas seen in 18 years at Children’s Hospital of Toronto and reviewed 58 children in the literature. Most are benign misdirected tumors that are present at birth and grow with the child. Part of the performance of normal blood vessels to dilate, part of the genetic syndrome. The incidence of intestinal hemangiomas is not very different in gender, 29 males and 32 females, 4 cases did not indicate sex. Most of the disease JL 12 years old diagnosed, about 1/4 of cases diagnosed at 1 year old. Blood vessels