
来源 :新课程学习(中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dropmylove
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在一次语文测验中,我发现试卷上写作文的格子很少,不足300字,于是,我就向孩子们宣布:“如果在写作文时,格子写满了,还没有把自己想写的内容写完,可以举手示意,老师送作文纸到你的位置,你可以在添卷上继续写。”随着时间的流逝,孩子们陆续开始写作文了。很快,便有第一个孩子将手举了起来,用眼神示意我她要添作文纸,脸上洋溢着一丝兴奋和得意。我拿起作文本轻轻地走到她的座位边,小心地撕下一页作文纸给她。 In a language test, I found that there were very few placards on a test paper, less than 300 words, so I declared to the children: “If the writing is full, it has not been written When the content is finished, you can raise your hand and the teacher sends you a piece of writing paper to your place, and you can continue to write on it. ”" As time goes by, the children begin to write compositions one after another. Soon, the first child lifted up his hand and showed me with a look that she wanted to add paper, with a hint of excitement and pride on her face. I picked up the text and gently walked to her seat, carefully removing a page of composition paper to her.