金贝儿(IEQ)初乳配方羊乳粉由甘肃古象奶业有限责任公司荣誉出品,采用天然牧羊之山羊72小时黄金时间的初乳,根据联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织的食品标准及国家标准(GB 19644)的推荐而制成,经双重脱膻处理,采用国际先进乳品生产精制而成。富含免疫球蛋白。初乳中含有特殊的生物活性因子“环磷腺苷、三磷酸腺苷”和EGF生长园子。金贝儿羊初乳适宜人群广,吸收效果佳,包装精美,符
Colostrum formula (IEQ) Colostrum formula Sheep milk powder is produced by Gansu Guxiang Dairy Co., Ltd., a colostrum with 72 hours golden age of natural shepherd goats. According to the food standards and countries of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization Standard (GB 19644) made of the recommendation, the double off the handle, the use of advanced international dairy production refined. Rich in immunoglobulin. Colostrum contains a special bioactive factor “cyclic adenosine triphosphate, adenosine triphosphate” and EGF growth garden. Gold Belle sheep colostrum suitable for a wide population, good absorption, beautifully packaged, Fu