目的 通过测定血清骨钙素 (BGP) ,碱性磷酸酶 (ALP) ,尿羟脯氨酸与尿肌酐比值 (HOP/Cr)等指标 ,研究其与糖尿病骨代谢之间的关系。方法 将 30例糖尿病病人及 15例正常人作为研究对象 ,测定BGP、ALP、HOP/Cr、糖化血红蛋白 (HbAlc)、空腹血浆胰岛素 (Insulin)及血糖等指标。结果 糖尿病组血清BGP较正常对照组明显降低 ,与病程、HbAlc水平呈负相关 ,与Insulin水平呈正相关。尿HOP/Cr比值 ,糖尿病组高于对照组。结论 糖尿病骨代谢异常的发生与骨形成减少和骨吸收增加有关。
Objective To study the relationship between serum BGP, ALP, HOP / Cr and bone metabolism in diabetic patients. Methods Thirty diabetic patients and 15 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. BGP, ALP, HOP / Cr, HbAlc, Insulin and blood glucose were measured. Results Serum BGP in diabetic group was significantly lower than that in normal control group, negatively correlated with duration of disease, HbAlc level, and positively correlated with Insulin level. Urine HOP / Cr ratio, diabetic group than in the control group. Conclusion The abnormal bone metabolism in diabetic patients is related to the decrease of bone formation and the increase of bone resorption.