学法指导,它包括两个方面,一是学法,二是指导,即教法。两者的关系是辩证统一的。教法制约和影响学法。科学的教法会促进学生良好学法的形成,提高学习效果。但是反过来教法也受学法的制约。教师选择一种教法,运用一种教法,首先要考虑学法的指导需要。不从学法的实际出发,任意采用一种指导法,教与学脱节,其效果是可想而知的。教法与学法相机配合,才能保证教学任务的顺利完成。 学法指导,可以归纳十种: 1.讲授指导法。许多知识、规律和方法,教师要直截了当地告诉学生,让学生照法实践。例如指导分段,有按时间为序分段法、按空间为序分段法、按事情发展为序分段法、按事物类别为序分段法及分段标
Learning guidance, which includes two aspects, one is learning law, the second is guidance, that is, teaching. The relationship between the two is dialectical unity. Teaching Method and Influence Method. Scientific teaching method will promote the formation of students' good learning method and improve the learning effect. But in turn, teaching methods are also subject to the law. Teachers choose a teaching method, the use of a teaching method, we must first consider learning guidance needs. Not from the reality of the law, the arbitrary use of a guiding law, teaching and learning are out of touch, the effect can be imagined. Teaching method and learning method with the camera, in order to ensure the successful completion of teaching tasks. Learn law guidance, can be summarized in ten kinds: 1. Teaching guide law. Many knowledge, laws and methods, teachers should tell students straightforward, so that students follow the practice. For example, the guidance of sub-paragraph, a time-based sub-paragraph method, according to the spatial order of sub-paragraph method, according to the development of things in order sub-paragraph method, according to the order of things segment method and sub-standard