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  1. The young man lifted the 250kilogram stone at his first attempt,__________surprised me greatly.
   A. thatB. as
   C. whatD. which
   2. Dont you remember this is the woman __________I worked as long as ten years?
   A. for whos boss
   B. whose boss
   C. for whose boss
   D. for his boss
   3. My best friend in Shanghai stayed with me for half a month,__________I visited quite a few beautiful cities with him.
   A. during the time
   B. during which time
   C. during whose time
   D. and during which time
   4. To tell you the truth,I have altogether three assistants, __________have given me much help in the last few years.
   A. all of whom
   B. and all of whom
   C. all of them
   D. but all of them
   5. There are eight trees in my yard,__________ is the most beautiful one.
   A.the tallest of them
   B. but the tallest of them
   C. the tallest of which
   D. and the tallest of which
   6. Mary got angry with her parents the day before yesterday,__________is often the case.
   A. whichB. as
   C. thatD. what
   7. Here is such an interesting magazine__________Im sure everyone likes to read.
   A. asB. which
   C. thatD. what
   8. There are fiftyfour students in our class,__________ I think is Kate.
   A. of whom the cleverest
   B. and the cleverest of whom
   C. the cleverest of them
   D. but the cleverest of them
   9. All__________ I want you to do is clean the doors and windows of our classroom.
   A. whichB. what
   C. asD. that
   10. Cant you see I have already done everything __________I can do for you?
   A. whichB. what
   C. thatD. as
   11. Yesterday afternoon, my youngest daughter bought three jackets, __________are really expensive.
   A. two of them
   B. of which two
   C. and two of which
   D. and of which two
   12. I want to read this book again. It isthe most interesting one__________I have read so far.
   A. whichB. what
   C. asD. that
   13. No matter when I want to visit Beijing, the first __________comes into my mind is the Great Wall of China.
   A. whichB. that
   C. asD. what
   14. Lets find an occasion to talk about the persons and things __________we remember at school.
   A. whatB. which
   C. whoD. that
   15. John,would you like to find me a chair__________I can put these newspapers for a short time?
   A. whichB. that
   C. whatD. where
   16. Lets go shopping together at five oclock this afternoon,__________our school will be over.
   A. thenB. when
   C. whichD. that
   17. I hope to find an occasion__________we can sit in our room to watch TV together.
   A. whenB. then
   C. thatD. which
   18. Im sorry that I cant think out a situation__________these phrases appear at the same time.
   A. thereB. where
   C. whatD. which
   19. Do you regret the time__________ you spent in playing computer games in that Internet cafe?
   A. whenB. that
   C. whatD. as
   20. In the opinion of me, the problem hasnt developed to the point__________nobody of us can solve.
   A. thatB. which
   C. whatD. where
   21. Is this the very book__________ you want to read in your bedroom this evening?
   A. whichB. that
   C. whatD. as
   22. Is this knife__________ you cut your black pencil with a moment ago?
   A. whichB. that
   C. the oneD. as
   23. Can you tell me the way __________you solved the most difficult problem the week before last?
   A. whichB. that
   C. asD. what
   24. I just wonder whether this is the reason__________ she refused to come to help you yesterday morning.
   A. thatB. which
   C. whyD. what
   25. To tell you the truth, I wouldnt like to accept the reason for your being late __________you gave just now.
   A. whyB. which
   C. whatD. as
   26. You cant come late to school again, __________you will be punished by your teachers.
   A. in that case
   B. in which case
   C. and in case of which
   D. in case which
   27. The foreign guests
   we will hold a great party come from the United States and the United Kingdoms.
   A. in honor of them
   B. in honor of whom
   C. and in honor of whom
   D. in whos honor
   28. Can you see the girl dressed in a red skirt__________is standing under a big tree over there?
   A. whichB. as
   C. whoD. what
   29. This is the young man__________you know I often help with his English.
   A. whomB. whose
   C. whichD. whos
   30. Youd better help the girl__________English is really difficult to learn at present.
   A. whoB. whom
   C. for whomD. whose
   31. Mary,would you like to show me the book__________is a foreign woman?
   A. whose writer
   B. writer of whom
   C. whos writer
   D. of whom writer
   32. Those__________ want to see this film at seven oclock tomorrow morning must sign up on this piece of paper.
   A. thatB. which
   C. whoD. what
   33. His little daughter can speak three foreign languages,__________ is beyond my wildest imagination.
   A. whichB. that
   C. asD. what
   34.__________ you can see, I have already watered all the flowers in our garden.
   A. WhichB. As
   C. ThatD. What
   35. I wonder if this is the factory __________you paid a visit to last week.
   A. whereB. what
   C. thatD. as
   36. It is said that the company__________ produces Red Star cars in that city will be closed very soon.
   A. whichB. as
   C. whereD. what
   37. I dont think this is the way__________you should talk to your father.
   A. in whichB. in that
   C. whichD. what
   38. Yesterday afternoon, my younger brother broke my glasses__________ Im almost blind.
   A. without that
   B. without which
   C. without
   D. and without which
   39. Look,I have brought here the girl __________in and around our school.
   A. for whom youre looking
   B. for youre looking
   C. that youre looking for her
   D. youre looking for
   40. I have already bought a large flat in a busy street__________ I will live in the rest of my life.
   A. thatB. what
   C. whereD. as
   Keys:1—5 DCBAC 6—10 BAADC
   11—15 BDBDD 16—20 BABBD
   21—25 BCBCB 26—30 BBCAC
   31—35 ACABC 36—40 AABDA
   1. 空档代表整个主句的内容,因此应填which引导非限制性定语从句。
   2. 定语从句与先行词可连成I worked for the womans boss as long as ten years,因此该空应填for whose boss引导定语从句。
   3. 定语从句与先行词可连成I visited quite a few beautiful cities with him during the time of half a month,因此空档应填during which time引导定语从句。
   4. 定语从句与先行词可连成all of the three assistants have given me much help in the last few years,因此该空应填all of whom引导定语从句。
   5. 定语从句与先行词可连成the tallest of the eight trees in my yard is the most beautiful one,因此该空应填the tallest of which引导定语从句。
   6. 该空表示“正如”,因此应填as引导定语从句。
   7. read为及物动词,应接宾语,因此该空应填as引导定语从句,它在从句中担任宾语。因read后面缺宾语,因此不可填that引导结果状语从句。
   8. 定语从句与先行词可连成of the fiftyfour students in our class the cleverest I think is Kate,因此该空应填of whom the cleverest引导定语从句。
   9. All做先行词时只能用that引导定语从句。
   10. 先行词为everything时只能用that引导定语从句。
   11. 定语从句与先行词可连成two of the three jackets are really expensive,因此该空应填two of which或of which two引导定语从句。
   12. 先行词one前面因有最高级形容词the most interesting修饰,因此该空应填that引导定语从句。
   13. 先行词the first为序数词,因此该空应填that引导定语从句。
   14. 先行词the persons and things既指人又指物,因此该空应填that引导定语从句。
   15. 先行词a chair在从句中做地点状语,因此该空应填where引导定语从句。
   16. 空档表示“到那时”,因此应填when引导定语从句。
   17. 先行词an occasion表示“一个机会”,在从句中做时间状语,因此该空应填when引导定语从句。
   18. 先行词a situation在从句中做地点状语,因此该空应填where引导定语从句。
   19. 先行词the time在从句中做宾语,因此该空应填that或which引导定语从句。
   20. 句中the point表示“地步”,在从句中做地点状语,因此该空应填where引导定语从句。
   21. 先行词book指物,因前面有the very修饰,因此该空应填that引导定语从句。
   22. 题干的陈述句形式为This knife is __________you cut your black pencil with a moment ago. 因空档后面为定语从句,因此空档缺先行词,应由the one担任。
   23. 先行词the way在从句中做方式状语,因此该空应填that引导定语从句。
   24. 先行词the reason在从句做原因状语,因此该空应填why引导定语从句。
   25. 先行词the reason在从句中做宾语,因此该空应填which或that引导定语从句。
   26. 空档表示“在(主句所示的)那种情况下”,因此应填in which case引导定语从句。若选A,空档前面应加and引导并列句。
   27. 定语从句与先行词可连成We will hold a great party in honor of the foreign guests,因此该空应填in honor of whom引导定语从句。
   28. 先行词为the girl,指人,在从句中做主语,因此该空应填who引导定语从句。
   29. 先行词the young man在从句中做宾语,因此该空应填whom引导定语从句。
   30. 定语从句与先行词可连成English is really difficult to learn for the girl at present,因此该空应填for whom引导定语从句。
   31. 先行the book做writer的定语,因此该空应填whose writer引导定语从句。
   32. Those做先行词时应用who引导定语从句。
   33. 该空代表主句内容,因此应填which引导非限制性定语从句。
   34. 空档表示“正如”,因此应填As引导定语从句。
   35. 先行词the factory在从句中做宾语,因此该空应填that或which引导定语从句。
   36. the company在从句中做主语,因此该空应填which或that引导定语从句。
   37. 定语从句和先行词可连成you should talk to your father in the way,因此该空应填in which引导定语从句。
   38. 定语从句与先行词可连成without my glasses Im almost blind,因此该空应填without which引导定语从句。
   39. 先行词the girl在从句中做宾语,因此空档可填who / whom / that youre looking for。因look for为固定搭配,for不可被提前,因此A、B均错误。因定语从句中不能出现先行词替代词,因此C也错误。
   40. 先行词a large flat在从句中做介词in的宾语,因此该空应填that或which引导定语从句。
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