非洲菊非洲菊,又名扶郎花(Gerbera jamesonii),菊科,原产南非。这是一种闻名全球的花卉材料,但其主要用途是切花,其主要的育苗手段是组织培养。本文要介绍的是通过播种育苗的盆栽非洲菊。盆栽非洲菊不仅在我国是新的类型,在世界上一些花卉发展较先进的国家和地区也是如此。种子及品种非洲菊种子颗粒较大,每克约300粒。由于可用作种子繁殖的品种在市场上出现不久,种子价格较为昂贵,往往以粒计量。
Gerbera Gerbera, also known as Gerbera jamesonii, Compositae, native South Africa. This is a world-renowned flower material, but its main use is cut flowers, its main breeding method is tissue culture. This article describes the seed germination of potted gerbera by sowing. Potted Gerbera is not only a new type in our country, but also some of the most advanced flower growing countries and regions in the world. Seeds and varieties Gerbera seeds larger, about 300 grains per gram. Due to the availability of varieties for seed multiplication in the marketplace, seed prices are more expensive and are often measured in terms of grain.