Spectrum manipulation of a dual-stop-band metamaterial terahertz filter based on unit cell dimension

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We numerically and experimentally proposed a dual-stop-band terahertz filter based on standard microelectronic fabrication method. The stop bands locate at 0.32 THz and 1.02 THz with 3 dB bandwidths of 0.26 THz and 0.55 THz, respectively. The resonance characteristics of the proposed device were discussed with the help of surface current maps and field density maps extracted from computer simulation software to better understand the working principle of the proposed device. On top of that, a total of seven devices with different dimensions were fabricated to fully discuss the dimension effects on the resonant frequency shift and bandwidth changes. This fabrication process is applicable for related integrated metamaterial devices and provides essential experiment evidences for effective ways of manipulating the transmission spectrum of the proposed filter.
加里弗尼亚州门洛·帕克消息:此地的斯坦福研究所发展的一种光激射器雷达已达到6.9~7.6兆瓦, 20~30毫米宽度 峰値脉冲。这样高的脉冲功率的成功取得是因为釆用了高速转动棱镜的Q开关, 其转数达30,000~60, 000转/分。仪器由加里福尼亚州散卡洛斯的贝克曼和威特利公司(Beckman
飞秒激光在工业加工、精密测量、军事国防、科学研究等领域具有广阔的应用前景。报道了基于光谱控制与色散优化的高功率、高脉冲质量飞秒啁啾脉冲放大系统。利用与压缩器色散量相匹配的色散可调啁啾布拉格光纤光栅(CFBG)作为展宽器,通过微调CFBG色散量补偿系统的残余色散使整个系统的净色散趋于零;同时引入光谱滤波等手段,保证入射到主放大器之前的脉冲光谱形状不发生畸变,避免了放大过程中脉冲质量的劣化。最终获得了重复频率为50 MHz、平均功率为24 W、脉冲宽度为198 fs的高脉冲质量飞秒激光输出。
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优化设计了一种由两种不同大小的空气孔组合而成的双包层六边形空气孔格点光子晶体光纤,并研究了该类光纤的几何参数对色散的影响。结果表明调节包层中空气孔的大小及孔间距,可以容易调节色散及低色散带宽、非线性等性能。优化设计可以得到在C和L波段近零平坦的色散,其色散变化为(0±1.8) ps·km-1·nm-1。
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