贵州师大历史所吴雁南教授主编的《清代经学史通论》,系国家“七五” 社科规划“心学与中国社会”这一国学的基础研究之一,是一部以清代经学史为研究对象的专著.吴教授在编缀全书五篇十六章、二十四万字时,立论严谨,取材精当,融铸卓见,锐意探索.研究国学传统与中国社会的关系,是近年来为研究中国国情所开拓的一大新领域,亦为传统学术的研究指出了新方向.以往出版的经学史著作,多以经书本身的整理、研究、解释和阐述为中心,《清代经学史通论》则从实际需要出发,力图置经学于中国历史发展的大潮中,将经学与政潮、学潮结合起来.除追述了经学原流、经学各学派相继再现、各学派之间出现的对垒融合交错格局、传统经学的基本终结外,着重评介了清代经学发展演变的基本史实,更突出了在新的历史条件下,清末出现的经学异端成为部分志士仁人用以同清朝统治阶级作斗争的工具,勾勒出了一幅经学源流和经学对清代政治、学术产生深远影响的壮丽图景.
Guizhou Normal University History Institute, edited by Professor Wu Yannan, “the history of the Qing classics by theory,” the Department of National “Seventh Five-Year” Social Science Planning “Heart and Chinese society,” the one of the basic study of Sinology, is a Qing dynasty The history of science is the monograph of the research object.Wu is in the editing of the whole book five sixteen chapters, two hundred and forty words, the rigorous rigor, drawn carefully, cast Zhuo see, determined to explore the relationship between traditional Chinese studies and Chinese society is In recent years, it has opened up a major new field for studying China’s national conditions and also pointed out new directions for the study of traditional scholarship. Previously published books on history of science mostly focused on the collation, research, explanation and elaboration of the book itself On the basis of the practical needs, the theory of modern economics of the classics tries its best to integrate Confucian classics with the political trend and the tide of study in the tide of historical development in China.In addition to following the original flow of the classics, In the new historical conditions, the heresy of Confucian classics in the late Qing Dynasty became a part of Chester The same tools used to fight the Qing ruling class, and sketched out a picture of the origins and classical studies classics have a profound impact on the Qing Dynasty politics, academia, the grand picture.