WTO 是一个大而专的题目,有限的空间很难将它写全、写透,即使用十几版的篇幅进行报道。而在 WTO 丰富的内容中,老百姓最关心的不就是入世后上哪儿看病、进口车是不是便宜得人人都买得起、电影院里是否都放进口大片、是否非得学成十八般武艺才能找到工作等与自身生活紧密相关的事儿吗。所以我们为了让您好读、好懂,将时间设在2006年,虚拟了诸如“西西”、“大猫”、“北瓜”、“小美”、“小驴”、“章小怡”、“陈真”等您身边的小人物,截取了入世几年来他们的生活片段,就是想让您在读故事的轻松中,了解我国加入 WTO 以后的短时间内,究竟有什么会巨变、有什么会渐变、有什么会不变。我们的意思是,先把 WTO 涉及领域的轻重缓急弄清楚再说,别动不动就拿入世后的“光明前景”或“曲折道路”“吓唬”老百姓。
WTO is a big and specialized topic, limited space is difficult to write it all, write through, that is, use a dozen of the length of the report. In the rich content of the WTO, ordinary people are not most concerned about where to go after seeking medical treatment. Imported cars are not cheap for everyone to buy. Whether the cinema has imported a large amount of films and whether it is necessary to learn eighteen martial arts skills Do you find a job that is closely related to your own life? So in order to let you read, understand, set the time in 2006, virtual such as “West”, “big cat”, “” “melon”, “little beautiful”, “ Little donkey ”,“ Zhang Xiaoyi ”,“ Chen Zhen ”and other small people around you, intercepted the pieces of their lives after joining the WTO for several years, just want you to read the story of ease, to understand our country after joining the WTO for a short time In the end, what will change dramatically, what will be gradual change, what will not change. What we mean is to first clarify the priorities of the WTO involved and say “the bright future” or “the tortuous path” to “frighten” people after entering the WTO.