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唐末五代之际,以阿保机为首的契丹民族崛起于北方,其后契丹统治者乘中原内乱之际,屡次南侵河朔,经过与幽州刘仁恭集团、后唐李氏集团数次大规模战争,于公元936年,借后唐内部分裂的良机,最终夺取幽云十六州。这一事件对后世中国产生了深远的影响,成为金、元、清少数民族入主中原的先河。本文旨在探讨这一时期,契丹和中原地区政权更迭的历史背景,以及双方以幽州为中心展开的错综复杂的政治、军事、外交斗争。 On the occasion of the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the Khitan ethnic group led by A-Bomb Machine rose in the north. Later, during the Central Plains, the Khitan rulers repeatedly invaded Hephaesto, and after several large-scale wars with Youren Group, In AD 936, borrowing the opportunity of the internal division of Tang afterwards finally won the 16 states of Youyun. This incident had a profound impact on future generations of China and became the precedent for the entry of Jin, Yuan and Qing minorities into the Central Plains. This article aims to explore the historical background of the regime change in the Khitan and Central Plains during this period, as well as the intricate political, military and diplomatic struggle between the two sides centered on Youzhou.
春秋时期,齐国伐鲁,战火烧向单父,那时,宓子贱任职单父宰相。  当时,大片的麦子已近成熟,不久就可收割入库。然而,要是战争一来,眼看到手的粮食就会白白地让齐国抢走,百姓心有不甘,向宓子贱提议:“麦子很快就会成熟,我们应该赶在齐国军队到来之前去抢收。不管是谁种的,只要谁抢收了,麦子就归谁所有。反正肥水不能流往他人田。”  另一些人也认为,这样做既可把粮食抢收下来,还可以增加鲁国的存粮,同时齐国的军队
“查克拉”号攻击型核潜艇是印度海军从俄罗斯租借的“阿库拉”Ⅱ级“环纹海豹”号,租期10年,租金达10亿美元。该核潜艇长113.3米,宽13.6米,水面排水量8.450吨,水 The Chakr