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新的世纪头一年,我们将迎来中国共产党建党80周年的光辉日子。在这日子里,思绪万千,使我更加想念入党介绍人李保罗和林德仁同志,他俩那言传身教的模范行为,为我树立良好的学习榜样。同时他俩在介绍我入党前后的日子里,再三要我“努力——再努力——更努力”的教导也牢记在心中,至今虽经历近半个世纪,仍然记忆犹新。46年前冬天的一个晚上,我刚从阳春八甲大山出发归来,刚卸下背包,阳春县兵役局副局长李保罗同志就到宿舍来告诉我说,经过儿年的努力,入党申请已经党组织批准。接着,他又谆谆嘱咐我,入党以后还有一年预备期,因此还要再努力,切实按照共产党员标准严格要求自己,争取按时转为正式党员。李保罗同志是出身于台山一户华侨家庭的地下共产党员,解放后任台山县武装部副部长,也是我参军后头一位顶头上司。1950年冬, In the first year of the new century, we will usher in a glorious day for the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. In these days, my thoughts and thoughts made me miss the party introducer Li Paolu and Lin Deren more and more. Both of them demonstrated what they preach and do their best to set an example for their studies. At the same time, both of them introduced me in the days before and after joining the party, and repeatedly asked me to “keep trying - to work harder - to work harder”. It is still remembered in my heart. Although it has lasted nearly half a century, I still remember it. One night in winter 46 years ago, I just came back from the spring Bajialishan. Just removed the backpack. Comrade Li Paulou, deputy director of the Yangchun Military Service Bureau, went to the dormitory to tell me that after years of hard work, Organized approval. Then he asked me again and again for one year after joining the party. Therefore, we must make further efforts to strictly demand ourselves according to the standards of party members and strive to become an official party member on time. Comrade Li Pao was an underground Communist who came from an overseas Chinese family in Taishan. After his liberation, he was appointed as Deputy Minister of the Armed Forces in Taishan County and also as a superior supervisor after I joined the army. The winter of 1950
前言 Lindsay等(1978年)研制了DTPA土壤测定法,可同时提取Cu、Fe、Mn和Zn。此法很快被许多土壤实验室采用,作为一种可靠方法应用于碱性或石灰性土壤中微量营养元素的测定。
女士们,先生们: 值此秋风送爽、景色宜人的金秋季节,在对外经济贸易大学成立四十周年校庆之际,我们在这里举行“跨国公司与世界经济一体化”国际研讨会。首先,请允许我代表